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Here you will find information on most of the major (and not so major) Science Fiction movies which were made from the late 60' to date, and lists of movies classified as follows:

A. the Movies - General

B. the Movies – By Sections

1. Journeys through space and time

This section is dedicated to the movies which have science as their main point, movies dealing with space travel, time travel, lost worlds, mad scientists, robotics, miniaturization etc’,

2. Big Brother

This section deals, on the one hand, with computers and the internet, and in their influence (or more correctly, their total control of our lives) as portrayed in the movies, and on the other hand, with man and his attempts to reshape himself and his environment and to change the natural order and the world.

3. Wizards, Magicians, Monsters and Dragons

Here you will find a list of movies dealing with the world of witchcraft, wizardry, monsters, fantasy and horror.

4. As seen on TV

Here you will find a list of movies and mini-series made specifically for TV (not TV shows).

C. By actors

Here you will find a full alphabetic list of all the actors who took part in the movies mentioned in the site.

D. By directors

Here you will find a full alphabetic list of all the directors who directed the movies mentioned in the site.

E. News and Updates

Here you will find information on the new Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies coming our way,

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