Bucket List, the



What would you do if you were told that you had X months to live?

If you are Paul Bryan, the hero of the hit 60ies TV show Run For Your Life Starring Ben Gazzara, you would use the time to help people the best you can.

If you are Rob Reiner (The late Archie Bunker's famous Meathead, credited with a great list of Movies from the genre known as "for the entire family"), you take two greater than life (respectively, of course) and tell them make a "bucket list" – that is, a list of all the things that you never did in your life and you want to get them done before you die.

The Movie describes the journey of two elderly terminal cancer patients (Jack Nicholson? Morgan Freeman? They will live forever), one a rude and vulgar hospital administrator and the other a blue collar man (but as noble as an African king), who meet at the hospital, deccide to make such a list and complete the chosen task one by one, inspite of their own diffrences and the initial objection of their families.

Only one thing is not clear - Freeman, the first to die, eulogizes in his voice Nicholson, who died after him. How did he know when Nicholson died?...

Nicholson's character is reminiscent of an aging version of the character he played in As Good as it Gets.

By the way, Ben Gazzara is still alive and kicking, and is about the same age as Nicholson and Freeman.