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Welcome to my Site!


This is a site for Sci-Fi lovers. Obviously, I'm one of them. So what can you find here?

  • The Encyclopedia - here you will find information on most of the major (and not so major) Science Fiction movies which were made from the late 60' to date,

  • The Movie Critic - A section dedicated to short articles about movies I have seen. not necessarily Sci-Fi. Hebrew only, for now, Updates regularly as new movies are added.

  • The Great  Sci Fi Trivia Game - the trial version. So you think you know your Sci-Fi? Here's your chance to find out. Put your knowledge to the test!

  • The database - Coming soon! Here you'll be able to do searches by movie, actor or director

  • And  last but not least, the growing collection of Articles and Lectures, partly translated  into English, which has finally moved to its new and permanent home here.

  • The X-Files Section - Now in English, not for the hardcore X-Philers, though.

Ever since the first time I surfed the web, I knew that I want to build a website dedicated to Science Fiction. When I finally started to build it in the end of the 90’, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I worked almost completely by myself, which really did not help. The fact is that I am a movie buff and I did see many of movies mentioned in this site (currently over a 1,000, and the list keeps growing), and I also read most of the books. But I've always had a hard time finding someone who would share my passion for the cinema in general and for Sci-Fi in particular.

In order to share my two my big passions with others, I decided to compile a list of every Science Fiction movie I ever saw, to write a few words about each movie and arrange the whole thing in an encyclopedia format.

At first I limited my choice of movies – only from the early 70', only motion pictures, only in English. But the more collection of the material progressed, it became clear me that this was an impossible task. How can you leave out "2001: a Space Odyssey" or "Fahrenheit 451" just because they were made in the late 60' or "The hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" just because it was first produced as a television series?

Most of the films mentioned in the Articles and Lectures Section are indeed included in the encyclopedia (but unfortunately not all the TV shows – for obvious reasons).

In the second phase an X-Files section was added (and rightfully so, I think no one can dispute that), and a section dedicated to comments about movies which are not necessarily Sci-Fi movies (only in Hebrew, unfortunately). I am planning to add the Great Sci-Fi Trivia game and the Database. The Articles and Lectures Section has finally moved to its new and permanent home here.

What you see before you is the final product (more or less). I hope you will enjoy it and I’ll be happy to receive comments, criticism (constructive only, please!) corrections and suggestions for improvements by means of the feedback forms, in Hebrew and in English.

Happy Surfing!




ABM © 2010